Diamond Mask
Majestic Fly
PL 0/0
Lokus A: at/at
Cathay Pacific Thailand
of Baanmaypom |
Chai's Naja Boy
Einbard of Kou Ju
Tsai Pet Store
Ing's Glamorous Cartoon
Arena Pom´s
Little White Casper
Mayopom's Jazzy
Prestizh Mistral
Fon's Feel Good Time |
Tokie The Legend
Continues |
Fon's Precious Gift |
Aljens Precious Moments |
Magic Moments
of Lenette |
Precious Gold
of Lenette |
C.I.B. Eliška Evelina
Střípek snů
PL 0/0
DOV neg. |
Thai Silk z Secret Garden
PL 1/0
Tokie Top Performance
Tokie The Legend
Continues |
Tokie Takes My
Breath Away |
Beautiful Star's
Kitty Bamboocha
Golden Star's Chosen One |
T&P Pom's Koey
Cristine Claire Střípek snů
PL 1/1
oči negativní
JCh. Magic Grey von
Ollis Hof
PL 1/1
X-Sandor von Little
Dragon Heart, PL 0/0 |
Dialynne von Palatina
Aurora, PL 0/0 |
C.I.B. Cárinka z
Krakovanské skalky
PL 0/0
DOV neg.
Ch.Ursi z Temných Nocí |
Kamilka Ruge Stříbrný stín |